Welcome to Bal Sansar Sanstha

Our Profile


Bal Sansar Sanstha
Brief Profile

A registered non-profit organisation working in Rajasthan since 1992. Vision: We envision an equitable, corruption-free and just society where everyone gets the opportunity to realize one’s fullest potential in life, with no discrimination based on gender, religion, caste, creed, social, cultural, and economic status.

Our mission is to empower vulnerable community groups enabling them to lead a life with dignity.

We respect & believe in the diversity of social contexts and individuals. Indigenous wisdom and knowledge that exists in the communities. The professional, scientific, and pragmatic approach to dealing with the problems prevailing in society.

Participatory approaches. Convergence and collaboration with the government systems and agencies active in the social and development sector.

Our goal is to make a meaningful contribution to society by empowering the communities to enable them to lead a life with dignity, equity, and quality.


Evidence-based programming, situational analysis and need assessment.

Community mobilization, engaging and working with the community structures, community leaders, GO, NGOs and private sectors.

Focus on vulnerable communities, groups and areas including PLHAs, OVCs, Orphans and women.

Thrust for quality by applying management principles.

Mainstreaming of the learning through sharing and dissemination.

Promotion of local wisdom, resources and skills through capacity building and handholding.

Programmatic Areas: All our programmes are focused on Women, Children, Adolescents, and youth. Education, Life Skills, Livelihood, Health, Community empowerment and development.

Target Groups: Vulnerable populations, People living with HIV & affected by AIDS, Women-men in sex work, orphans, Vulnerable Children, Women, Youth, Adolescents, and old people.

Type of Activities: Evidence gathering, Project planning and management, Capacity Building, Training, Monitoring and Evaluation, Technical Assistance, Research, Surveys, Policy, Advocacy, Support for the development of community-based organizations and management. Documentation and dissemination. Awareness Generation, Networking, Programme Implementation, and management.

Geographical Coverage: Urban Slums and Rural areas. Worked/working in Jaipur, Tonk, Ajmer and Dungarpur districts of Rajasthan but willing to expand in other districts as well. We have partner networks with a strong presence in the other districts of Rajasthan and are in a position to start the interventions immediately.

Our Core Strengths

Rights-based approaches, focusing on the rights of vulnerable women and youth.

Advances in organizational understanding of local environment, issues, and cultural contexts.

Strong community base, field presence, credibility and linkages, Partnership networks with professional agencies, CSOs/ NGOs /CBOs in the state and beyond.

Efficient coordination with Government departments, district administration, Private agencies, Industries, Clubs, PRIs, and Community structures

Skilled professionals on the board, local, national, and international level technical expertise available. Capacity to initiate quickly and going on scale with quality.

High degree of integrity, professionalism, project, and financial management skills and expertise.

Capacity to meet the strict project timelines.



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